LACSD Information. Financials for year 2022.
Lake Arrowhead CSD was formed in 1978 to provide water to Arrowhead Woods. Over time, the CSD added wastewater services to its responsibilities. Lake Arrowhead CSD is governed by a five member board elected by district and currently provides drinking water to approximately 8,400 connections and wastewater services to approximately 10,700 connections, encompassing Arrowhead Woods and other nearby communities.
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LACSD Information. Financials 2022 and 2023 Partial.
LACSD Information. 03-28-23 LACSD BOD Regular Meeting Draft Minutes.

Two provisions of the California Constitution prohibit local government and public agencies from granting additional compensation to public employees after a contract is entered into and performed in whole or in part, or after service has been rendered.
Article XI, Section 10(a), of the California Constitution provides:
A local government body may not grant extra compensation or extra allowance to a public officer, public employee, or contractor after service has been rendered or a contract has been entered into and performed in whole or in part, or pay a claim under an agreement made without authority of law.
Article IV, Section 17, of the California Constitution provides:
The Legislature has no power to grant, or to authorize a city, county, or other public body to grant, extra compensation or extra allowance to a public officer, public employee, or contractor after service has been rendered or a contract has been entered into and performed in whole or in part, or to authorize the payment of a claim against the State or a city, county, or other public body under an agreement made without authority of law.
LACSD Board Members.
Five unique voting divisions (Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) were established within the District’s service areas. Only full-time residents domiciled in Lake Arrowhead are allowed to vote and candidates running for each division must also be full-time residents domiciled in Lake Arrowhead.
President – John Wurm
(Division 4)
Elected: November 3, 2020 • Term Expires: 2024
Vice President – Steve Boydston
(Division 1)
Appointed in lieu of election: November 3, 2020 • Term Expires: 2024
Director – Steven R. Keefe
(Division 2)
Appointed in lieu of election: November 15, 2022 • Term Expires: 2026
Director – Robert Morris
(Division 3)
Appointed: November 15, 2022 • Term Expires: 2026
Director – Bruce Reynolds
(Division 5)
Appointed in lieu of election: December 13, 2022 • Term Expires: 2026
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